
Tips for Maintaining Your Prosthetic

Keeping your prosthetic and liner in good condition helps keep you comfortable while ensuring their long-lasting functionality. Daily prosthetic care and proper liner sanitation involves a few steps. But once you get into the habit, you’ll master quick prosthetic cleaning so you can move forward and live your life. Daily Cleaning Maintaining cleanliness is key to preventing skin irritation and infections. Cleaning your liner every day often feels like a hassle, but it doesn’t have to be! The Rapid Ozone Sleeve Sanitizer (ROSS) uses the power of ozone to sanitize your liner, removing 99% of harmful, odor-causing bacteria. With just three easy steps, you’ll have

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Lower Limb Prosthetic: 7 Must-Knows Before You Choose

Selecting the best lower limb prosthetic for your needs can have a significant and long-lasting positive effect on your life. It’s important to carefully consider certain factors when making this big investment in your future. Take your time and don’t feel rushed when reviewing your options. Limb prosthetics are getting more advanced as time goes on, so it’s OK to give yourself time. Here are seven things to consider when choosing a prosthetic. 1. Assess Your Activity Level and Goals The first thing to consider when choosing a lower limb prosthetic is your intended activity level and goals. Are you an athlete with goals that

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Beyond Limits: Apps & Resources Empowering Amputees To Recover Stronger

Digital technology and mobile devices have proven to be powerful tools for those managing medical or physical conditions, including people in recovery from a recent amputation. There are a variety of apps, resources and technology for people with limb loss available today that can be very helpful during amputee recovery and rehabilitation. Recent amputees face many frustrating challenges while they relearn the everyday functions that most people take for granted, such as walking, dressing, bathing and driving a car. Learning how to properly use and care for prosthetics is a critical part of this process and requires time, patience and practice. Rehabilitation apps can be

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Empowering Reads: 7 Books for Amputees’ Support, Inspiration and Recovery

Reading books can be immensely beneficial for amputees during their healing process for mental stimulation and distraction, as well as for inspiration and empowerment. Engaging in reading provides mental stimulation and serves as a distraction from physical discomfort or the challenges of adapting to life with limb loss. By immersing themselves in a good book, amputees can momentarily escape their immediate concerns, reducing stress and anxiety associated with the healing process. Reading about others who overcome adversity or navigate life with disabilities can inspire and empower amputees. Seeing others triumph over challenges can instill hope and motivate individuals to persevere through their own rehabilitation journey.

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Inspiring Stories of Famous Amputees Achieving Their Dreams After Limb Loss

Losing a limb is a challenge that no one wants to face. It certainly takes time to adjust, including learning new ways to care for oneself and your prosthetic. These empowering stories of amputees surpassing their physical constraints to reach their dreams will help others still adjusting to life after limb loss. These famous amputees have transformed adversity into inspiration. A Quiet Hero: Alexia Michitti Being born without a right hand never stopped Alexia Michitti from doing whatever she wanted — until others’ biases got in the way. In middle school, her coach cut her from the basketball team, citing her handicap as the reason.

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Common Problems With Prosthetics and How To Fix Them

The loss of a limb, hand or foot is one of the greatest challenges a person can face in life. Until recently, amputees have had to try to adjust with the assistance of primitive, uncomfortable and marginally useful prosthetics. Today, new technologies, materials and manufacturing processes have developed prosthetics that are much more functional, practical and comfortable to wear. Yet many of the same problems associated with wearing a prosthesis still persist, and not only contribute to discomfort and a loss of utility but cause some amputees to stop wearing them altogether. Here are some of the most frequently encountered issues and possible solutions. A

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Prosthetic Sleeve and Liner Cleaning Made Easy: Get Maximum Comfort & Cleanliness With ROSS

“I have always been very sensitive and embarrassed by the odor of my liner. ROSS has helped me regain my confidence as I now no longer worry about stump funk.” — Annette F. Introducing the innovative and user-friendly ROSS (Rapid Ozone Sleeve Sanitizer), our new standard in prosthetic sleeve and liner hygiene. This cutting-edge solution is revolutionizing the lives of amputees, providing a hassle-free experience in maintaining cleaner, safer, and more comfortable sleeves and liners, as quick and easy as 1-2-3! It is the most effective and easy-to-use hygienic sleeve sanitizer and liner system. ROSS excels at preventing bacterial infections, discomfort and foul odors, and

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